Nursery Availability and Groups
The nursery is available during our 9:15 and 10:45 am worship services. It is also available during some classes throughout the week. Please see class details on our website to find out if nursery is offered.

Hope Minis
For infants (age 6 weeks through age 1) ranging from sitters to crawlers, and some little walkers.

Hope Toddlers
For toddlers (age 2) who walk but aren’t quite potty-trained just yet.

For young children (ages 2½-3½) who are trying or close to being potty-trained. This classroom environment is more structured for the always moving, busy bees and helps get them ready for HopeKids!
What to Know
Checking In
When you arrive, please print off your child/children’s name tag/s at a computer kiosk. Once completed, please place your child/children’s name tag on their back and go to the nursery for drop-off. From there, staff and volunteers will get your child situated in the appropriate room or assist you in finding the correct room.
To provide a safe and healthy environment for all children and staff, you are asked to keep your child at home or with you for the following:
- Fever, vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
- Runny nose with any colored discharge
- Sore throat
- Contagious diseases, skin rashes or infections (i.e., hand, foot and mouth; impetigo; chickenpox, etc.
- Any infection that has not been treated with antibiotics (i.e., strep throat or pink eye)
- Lice
If your child develops symptoms while in the nursery, you will be contacted to come pick up your child.
Meals are not offered in the nursery. If your child needs a snack while in the Nursery please make sure to label your items and let the nursery attendant know. To be cautious of allergies, please refrain from nut products. Thank you for your understanding!
You are asked to leave a bag with any personal items your child may need during their time in the nursery. Please carefully label each item with your child’s first and last name.
Diapers: If you would like to donate diapers, we collect for our local pantries year round. You can bring unopened or opened diapers to help our local mission partners.
Gently Used Toys: If you have toys that you are looking to rehome, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will see if our nursery or a local mission partner could be blessed by them.
Thank you for considering us!
Contact Us

Sarah Kaczrowski
- Nursery Team Lead
- 515-264-2018
- [email protected]