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Get Involved at Hope Waukee!

Hope Waukee has a variety of ministries and classes that offer many ways to get connected with God and in his church community.

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Find a Class

There is such a richness in growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Classes at Hope Waukee

Hope Waukee offers a variety of classes for all ages through which we hope you experience the fullness of Jesus.

Find a Class

Join a Group

The best way to find a group is to take a class, as many classes offered at Hope Waukee include group discussions, and those groups often continue after the conclusion of those classes/studies. We also host annual group kickoffs for the purpose of creating new Hope groups.

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Small Groups

Hope’s Small Groups encourage Christ-followers to meet regularly to grow in relationships, study God’s Word and serve the world around them.

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50+ Ministry

Hope Waukee’s 50+ Ministry aims to connect those in the same stage of life through regular gatherings centered around study, prayer and social engagement.

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Women’s Ministry

Hope Waukee’s Women’s Ministry is committed to renewing and restoring the women of Hope through classes, seminars, groups, retreats and special events. We have many classes and events available throughout the year. Come join a spirited, authentic community of women where women’s needs are met in every stage of life!

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Men’s Ministry

Hope Waukee’s Men’s Ministry invites men of Hope to build authentic relationships, while learning to embrace a biblical definition of manhood that can be applied in their homes and communities. We do this in a number of ways, including going deeper into God’s word, developing a healthy prayer life, relational fellowship, and service both at Hope and in the community!

Serve at Hope Waukee

As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve. Serving others is one of the greatest blessings God offers us. Acts of selfless service allow us to bring glory to God and shine his light in this world!

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All of Hope’s ministries depend on volunteers, so we encourage you to view the list below to find your “sweet spot” as a volunteer.

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We have a number of places for you to jump right in and be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters in Christ!