Sign Up to Volunteer at Hope Waukee!
Want to get involved on the weekend? Join one of our many teams!
HopeKids for Age 3 – Grade 5!
HopeKids is our high-energy, weekend program for children age 3 (by Sept. 15 and potty-trained) through grade 5. At HopeKids, children will experience dynamic teachings and upbeat worship songs during opening and closing worship, with relevant breakout activities in between. This rotational-style format is a great way to engage kids in learning about God’s love!
Nursery for Children Age 3 and Under!
Quality childcare is available during all weekend services, as well as many other activities throughout the week, for children ages 3 and under. Because we seek to provide the best care possible for your children, we have different rooms available to fit each child’s needs.
New to Hope Waukee?
We would love to get you and your family plugged in. If you are new and visiting in person, visit our Welcome Center outside our Worship Center and we can get you connected. There, you’ll fill out a New to Hope card if you have a desire to learn more about our mission at Hope or want to find ways to get plugged in. If you are checking us out online, email [email protected] to get information about our campus. All are welcome at Hope!

The Jesus Who’s More Than We Think
Join us as we continue on in our year-long theme 52 for ’25 by taking a deep dive into the questions we have about Jesus. As we ask some really good questions, we will meet and experience the Jesus Who’s More Than We Think!
Upcoming Sermons
How Did Jesus Surprise the World?
March 23 Luke 5:27-32 -
What’s So Radical About What Jesus Taught?
March 30 Luke 15:1-7 -
How Can We Follow Jesus Today?
April 6 John 14:1-6 -
Palm Sunday | How Does Jesus Save Us?
April 13 John 12:12-16 -
Maundy Thursday | What Is Holy Communion?
April 17 Mark 14:22-25 -
Good Friday | What Do Jesus’ Last Words Mean?
April 18 7 Last Words -
Easter | What Difference Does an Empty Tomb Make?
April 20 Luke 24:1-5