Be a Blessing to Others!
We are called to shine the light of Jesus in this world! We are Jesus’s hands and feet when we get out into our community and serve others. There are many opportunities to serve in our community or globally.

Go On a Mission Trip!
At Lutheran Church of Hope, we focus on building relationships with one another and those we meet around the state, country and world for the purpose of loving each other as family in Christ. We do not go to “do,” but to “be.”
Encouragement is our act of service. By lifting the work done through local organizations and sharing with others about the strength and joy in Jesus, it enables us to serve one another.
When we return home, we advocate — first by praying for the places and people we encountered, then by seeking responsible, bold ways to share our experiences, humbly pointing to the faithfulness of God, and continuing to elevate the needs, service and work of the communities we visit.
In our growing, we are serving, and in our serving, we are growing … building each other up as the body of Christ and developing the gifts God has given each of us to use in God’s kingdom.
2025 Global Mission Trips
Use the interactive map below to search through upcoming mission trips through Hope’s global mission partners.

Hopesters on the Ground

Ways to Get Involved in Waukee
Waukee Area Christian Services (WACS)
There are several opportunities to volunteer at Waukee Area Christian Services, including helping in their clothing closet, garden, food pantry or free medical clinic. This is a rewarding way to build relationships in the Waukee community and provide care for those in need.
Many Hands Thrift Market
Many Hands Thrift Market proceeds go to support local and global missions. Volunteers are essential to support their mission and there are many different ways you can serve.

Support WayPoint Resources

We Serve Our Community Throughout the Year
Whether it is school supplies, food or raising money for a mission partner, we come together as a church to serve the community around us all throughout the year.
Souper Bowl Food Drive
Hope’s annual Souper Bowl Food Drive collects donations of non-perishables, paper products and hygiene items, which will be sorted and then distributed to pantries in our community.
Missions Board
The Missions Board is a volunteer-led board of Hope members who serve two-year terms, meeting monthly to review financials, evaluate, vote and recommend mission partners, develop relationships with mission partners, and vision cast with the Hope Missions Team and senior leadership. For more information or to learn about how to apply for a board position, please email [email protected].