What’s Happening at Hope?

Hope’s annual Souper Bowl Food Drive is back! Join us in stocking the shelves of local food pantries throughout the week of Feb. 3-9, 2025. It’s time to get in the game, Hope Waukee! Check

Saturday, Feb. 15, 6:00-8:00 pm
An evening of dancing and fun for dads and daughters age 3 – grade 5! Tickets (priced at $7.50 per person online or $10 per person at the door) include crafts, dessert and beverages.Registration closes on Feb. 14 at 4:00pm. Ticket can be purchased at the door for $10.

Wednesday, March 5, 12:20 & 6:30 pm
Begin the season of Lent with the Hope community as we gather for worship, Holy Communion, and the distribution of ashes to remember the grace of Jesus Christ.
Each week throughout 2025, we’ll take on one of the 52 most asked questions of faith. We will ask, we will seek, and we will find open doors to satisfying and faith-building answers to our most frequently asked spiritual questions in the timeless truth of God’s word!
Get Involved
The best way to meet others and create community is to get involved, whether it is taking a class, joining a group or volunteering to serve. The Lord blesses us with encouragement and joy through community! Hope Waukee has many opportunities for the entire family to get involved year-round.

Find a Class
We believe growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus Christ is a priority. We have a variety of class offerings for all ages. We want you to experience the fullness of Jesus and we would love to get you connected to a class that can best serve you and the life stage you are in. Check out a full list of the classes happening now or coming up in the near future.

Join a Group
God didn’t create us to live life alone. We are created to be in community with one another, and let’s face it, we’re better together! Join a group to grow together in Christ and see the way God will move in your relationships with one another.

Volunteer at Hope Waukee
There are so many ways to serve at Hope Waukee. We are the church together and believe we are made to put our gifts and talents together to better serve the Kingdom of God. Learn all about the volunteer opportunities we have at Hope Waukee and get plugged in today.